Waterlase DentistryWaterlase dentistry is one of the most advanced dental treatments available to Dentists today. Waterlase uses a patented technology that combines focused light energy with a stream of water for a highly precise, exceptionally gentle dental experience. Waterlase allows your dentist to perform a wide range of procedures with benefits including:
The Benefits of Waterlase DentistryMORE COMFORTABLEWaterlase Laser dentistry uses laser energy combined with a cool spray of water to perform a wide range of dental procedures without the heat, vibration, and pressure associated with the dental drill. With many procedures, it’s possible to use less anesthetic, or no anesthetic at all. Many patients report only feeling a cooling sensation from the water spray! MORE CONVENIENTWith Waterlase Laser Dentistry, dental visits can often be shorter, and more can be completed in a single visit. When procedures can be done without anesthesia, you save time. When procedures can be completed faster, your Waterlase Dentist can complete more in the same scheduled visit and save you the time of running around to various specialists. Diagnosis, and treatment- in the same day! MORE PRECISEA Waterlase Dentist can remove decay far more precisely than the drill. This saves more of the healthy parts of your tooth and avoids micro-fracturing damage that might occur with drilling in traditional methods. What Can Waterlase Dentistry Do? Waterlase Dentistry may be used to treat your gums or other soft and hard tissue in your mouth to: IMPROVE YOUR SMILEWe may suggest contouring or shaping your gums using Waterlase Dentistry to improve the appearance of your smile. Schedule Your Appointment today!If you are interested in learning more about our services, please call (512)-380-0777, and schedule your appointment today! |